求爱者是由皮埃尔·埃泰执导、皮埃尔·埃泰,佛朗·阿内尔,卡琳·韦塞利,克劳德·马索,丹尼斯·佩罗讷主演的电影,在法国上映播出, Pierre is a shy man whose sole focus in life is studying astrology in solitude, which is often difficult since he still lives at and studies in his parent's house. His parent's would rather he date and get married. He takes on this task with verve. Not knowing how to approach women in a romantic way, he watches how other men operate and tries to emulate them, most often without success. He ends up attracting the one woman he doesn't really want, a fun loving woman named Laurence who lives next door, but he becomes obsessed with Stella, a singer he sees on television. He believes her love song is being sung directly to him. As Pierre tries to get away from Laurence while pursuing Stella, he may miss the perfect match who may be right under his nose. Written by Huggo...电影天堂提供了求爱者在线观看,并且还可以支持手机看求爱者,不需要下载播放器,方便广大影迷观看。
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